Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1000 Gifts

"One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations."  Saint John of Avila quoted on p. 79 in One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

And so I continue my quest to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to see the many gifts God has placed in my life.

More on my journey to 1000 gifts:
33) the smell of fresh mint
34) the taste of fresh mint
35) a caring hand rubbing my neck
36) group hugs from children
37) waking up after a nap
38) friends offering specific help
39) going back to sleep after waking up too early (truly a gift!)
40) clean water from the tap
41) sunrise every morning
42) reading on the couch and basking in the morning sun
43) living in a country where we are free to vote
44) being asked to help others
45) the inspiration of words
46) crisp gala apples
47) coconut and red curry chicken bisque
48) Rye Triscuits
49) simple lunches
50) phones so I can talk to a cousin in the hospital
51) electric kettles
52) the music of Steve Bell

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