Saturday, July 9, 2011


If you asked anyone at work about what I thought about punctuation, you would likely be told that I'm a little bit of a stickler for correct punctuation.  I don't know if I particularly like the word stickler, but I will admit that it can almost be painful when I see some punctuation errors (especially when it comes to apostrophes).  So when I saw that there was a test on the internet to see what kind of punctuation mark I am, I thought it would be fun to try.  If you want to try it, click here.  I even did it just now, wondering if my answers would be any different.  They may have been, but the result was the same.  Here is what I was told.

You Are a Comma

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.  You enjoy almost all facets of life.  You can find the good in almost anything.  You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.  You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.  Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.  (But with so many competing interests, your friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

I'm not sure if everything there is exactly true, but I do like what it says.  (Although I have no idea what it means to get along with a question mark.  I wonder what a question mark is like.)

I did manage to keep myself busy with friends and activities this week.  The activities were mostly walking and enjoying meals together, but a little sewing and reading did get done as well.  My fridge even got cleaned and my lawn got mowed, but those aren't exactly enjoyable pasttimes.  Just necessary ones.

Along the way this week, I received more gifts from God.
269) carrot ginger cashew soup
270) breakfast on the front step enjoying the morning sun

 271) walks and visits with friends - the gifts who are next on my list
272) KV
273) WA
274) HM-W
275) JN
276) GJ
277) JR
278) SB
279) JK
280) mosquito spray
281) learning bits and pieces about the amazing bodies God gave us
282) exercises that can help muscles relearn their work
283) physiotherapists who can teach the previous two gifts
284) virtual hugs through e-mails (thanks, KR)
285) whimsical sculptures

 286) Alberta landscape

287) flowers

288) annual day out with friends - to kickstart summer - held at the Saskatoon Farm this year
289) surprise hitch-hiker on my foot

290) the delight of discovering, while making this list, just how many gifts there have been in the last few days!

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