"We typically ask more of a day than it can deliver; so it's rare that we end a day without coming up short on something." (p. 31) So I guess that means we have to adjust our expectations or our efforts, depending on the day. I remember a different quote from somewhere else - something about I was the best me I could be today. Maybe that's another way to deal with this issue.
"It's in our regret that we throw ourselves at the mercy of God at day's end and receive the love, acceptance, and forgiveness we so desperately need precisely because we haven't lived up to expectations. This is a daily requirement because sin is a daily condition for which grace is the daily antidote. Regret reduces us to unconditional love." (p. 33) What a beautiful way to end each day really, to bask in the unconditional love of God.
The conversation below is said to be one Corrie TenBoom had with her father. A conversation during World War 2. A conversation where Mr. TenBoom wanted to show Corrie to deal with one day at a time.
"Dad, where are the tickets?"
"We're not at the station yet, Corrie."
We're always asking God for tickets out of the things that might be, and that is one request he won't fulfill. To be caught in the fear of what might happen is to ask God for the ticket too soon. (p. 54)
It sure is challenging to wait until I get to the station before getting the tickets I need. I'm a planner and like to have things prepared. I am learning this spring to try to wait until I get to the station.
"So when you feel the pressure coming, enjoy the Lord." (p. 56)
"Faith is an action word. I've heard the term 'faith in action.' Actually, there is no other faith. Faith is action. Even if faith means waiting, exercising it is still an activity - to wait and not worry. In fact, waiting sometimes makes the greatest demand on faith." (p. 72) And so I wait. And mostly I don't worry as I wait for test results. Mostly. But always knowing that I am not alone and that God provides the tickets I need.
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