As it is spring, I chose one of my favourite spring flowers - lily of the valley. And then I had to come up with reasons. These may be a bit of a stretch, but here they are, with some more added after a little more thought. It survives the cold hard winters and comes up beautiful and strong in the spring. It is behind the scenes, hiding behind the large green leaves, and doesn't strive for attention. It thrives in the shade, not seeking out the heat. While it is small, its scent is strong and delightful, reaching beyond its small blossoms. I don't like heat. I don't like attention. I believe that I am strong and I know that I am loved (as I love the lily of the valley). I believe that my work reaches beyond my classroom and the other activities I do, adding pleasure to those around me. I'm not exactly small and delicate, but I believe I am doing the work God gave me to do, just as the lily of the valley does.
My sister chose gerbera daisies. I can't give her the benefit of further explanation, but her initial comments were that they are elegant and yet not expensive. They come in a variety of colours and make beautiful bouquets.
A could of days later, I was driving (well, being a passenger) with a friend coming back from Edmonton. She was tiring of the driving and craving some distraction. So I asked her the same silly question. What type of flower would you be? If I remember correctly, she said that she would be an orchid. Rare and elegant. Beautiful choice. If I remember correctly, her brother-in-law in the back seat didn't make a choice.
What would you say? If you were a flower, what flower would you be?