Last spring I chanced upon an online quilt festival. Wow, was it inspiring! The stories, the quilts, the thoughts. What a privilege to enjoy the entries. I was inspired at that time to start my own blog. But, life got in the way of keeping it up. Maybe now I'll be inspired to keep it up.
Like many people who quilt, I can't choose a favourite quilt. So, I'm going to choose two - both of them made for anniversaries of people I love. My parents celebrated their 50th anniversary just over a year ago. I wanted to give them something special - a gift of love. I saw a quilt like this one - crossword of family names - at an outdoor quilt festival and thought it would be perfect for them. What fun (really, it was fun) it was to fit the names of all our family members into a crossword puzzle for them. As my parents love playing Scrabble, it seemed a fitting gift for them. It sits on the end of their bed. And I even had to make matching pillow cases for them. I guess they like it!
My brother and his wife celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this past summer. I was going to surprise them, but my brother came right out and asked for a quilt. Pretty cheeky, eh? So, the cat was out of the bag and I asked my sister-in-law what colours she would like. (Got in trouble with my brother for that, but oh well.) She picked red and orange. Certainly not colours I would have ever picked. Or even that I thought would look at all nice. Fortunately the fabric designers are doing fabulous jobs with designing and I found some that looked great! Now I even entertain the idea of making a red and orange quilt for myself.